Season 4 coming soon
Deathwalker’s Guide to Life is a podcast that explores how we can live life more fully by normalising our demise
In the media
Dying can be an uncomfortable topic but it’s also life’s only certainty. Deathwalker Kerry Sunderland talks to The Post journalist André Chumko about how getting real about the end can make life more three dimensional.
Deathwalker’s Guide to Life is a euphemism-free show that deals with everything about death and dying you wished you knew but were afraid to ask
Season 3 episodes
OUT FEB 24, 2024
Meet: Artist and 'A Knock on the Door' facilitator Aralyn Doiron, Death on Screen: How Grief and Loss Can Feel Like a Ball in a Box
OUT NOV 18 & DEC 2, 2023
Death in Print: Reckless, Why We Are Here, Nothing Bad Ever Happens Here, Meet: Authors Marele Day, Briohny Doyle and Heather Rose, Death on Screen: Lambs of God
Death in Print: One Curious Doctor by Hilton Koppe, Meet: Educator, author and doctor Hilton Koppe, Death on Screen: Patch Adams
OUT OCTOBER 14, 2023
Death in Print: The Last Days of Joy by Anne Tiernan, Meet: Author Anne Tiernan, Death on Screen: A Man Called Otto
OUT SEPTEMBER 23 & 30, 2023
Death in Print: All The Living And The Dead by Hayley Campbell, Meet: Author and broadcaster Hayley Campbell, Death on Screen: Q&A with Hayley Campbell
Death in Print: Ripiro Beach: A memoir of life after near death, Meet: Author and literary citizen Caroline Barron, Death on Screen: Taboo Education YouTube channel
OUT AUGUST 12, 2023
Death in Print: Loss Adjustment by Linda Collins, Meet: Author and publisher Iona Winter, Death on Screen: On the Couch With My Depression by Paula Harris
OUT JULY 29, 2023
Death in Print: Goodbye: For Times of Sadness & Loss by Melanie G Mason, Meet: Funeral director, celebrant and death cafe co-host Laura Manson, Death on Screen: The Undertaker by Green Renaissance Films
OUT JULY 15, 2023
Death in Print: Levels of Life by Julian Barnes, Meet: celebrant and deathwalker Sacha Horton-Hoogerwerf, Death on Screen: The Flight Attendant
OUT JULY 1, 2023
Death in Print: Grey Urbanist columns, Meet: Writer and performer Ro Cambridge, Death on Screen: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
OUT JUNE 17, 2023
Death in Print: This is farewell by Pinky Agnew, Meet: Celebrant and author Pinky Agnew, Death on Screen: Online Deathwalker Training
Catch up on all previous episodes
Deathwalker's Guide to Life kicked off in 2021. Catch up by browsing past episodes, which you can listen to on all the major podcast platforms.
Available now on the following podcast platforms
Kerry Sunderland
Kerry Sunderland is a writer, broadcaster and event organiser who has, since the death of her first husband, trained as a 'Deathwalker' and made it her mission to improve her own ‘death literacy’ and to support others to do the same.

Kerry Sunderland
Kerry Sunderland is a writer, broadcaster and event organiser who has, since the death of her first husband, trained as a 'Deathwalker' and made it her mission to improve her own ‘death literacy’ and to support others to do the same.

What is a 'Deathwalker'?
The term ‘Deathwalker’ was first coined by Zenith Virago, founder of the Natural Death Care Centre in Australia. A Deathwalker is a person who walks the journey towards their own death as openly, courageously and as best they can. They’re also available to walk with someone else on their journey towards death, to walk with those who are supporting someone else who is dying and to walk with those who are grieving, offering guidance and care to inform and empower them.

Kerry Sunderland completed the inaugural Deathwalker Training in 2014 and brought Zenith Virago to the South Island of New Zealand to conduct the first DWT in Aotearoa in early 2016.